Invisalign: Invisible Orthodontics for Teeth Straightening

Invisalign East Point, GA

Invisalign® is a type of orthodontic treatment that can straighten your teeth. For those worried about the aesthetic appearance of braces, liners may be a more appealing solution for fixing a crooked or crowded smile.

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that are discreet and nearly invisible from a distance. The trays will be visible at close distances, but they are still not nearly as noticeable as metal and wires.

Five facts about Invisalign for teeth straightening

Here are a few interesting facts about Invisalign and how it works.

Invisalign works by gently applying pressure to teeth

The clear aligners of Invisalign work in a similar way to traditional braces. Each aligner is specifically designed to apply pressure to your teeth and nudge them bit by bit into place. As the patient progresses through their treatment plan, each aligner will move them closer to the end result.

Invisalign works for simple and complex treatments

It is a common misconception that Invisalign only works for minor tooth alignments. The truth is that Invisalign technology has improved over the years and can now be used to treat more complex issues, such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, crowding, and gaps. However, there are still limitations, depending on the severity of the patient’s case. Patients should talk to a dentist to see if they would be a good candidate for Invisalign.

Aligners are removable

With traditional braces, metal and wires are bonded to the patient’s teeth. Only a dentist can remove or make changes to the appliance. That is not the case with Invisalign. Patients can remove the clear plastic aligners at any time. That said, patients should wear their aligners 20-22 hours per day to achieve their desired results.

There are no eating restrictions

Traditional braces prohibit sticky and crunchy food items because they can damage the appliance or get stuck in the wires. Patients must avoid snacks like popcorn, gum, and caramel during treatment.

Since the Invisalign trays are removable, patients have much more freedom regarding their food options. They can enjoy all their favorite meals without worrying about it affecting their treatment.

Invisalign requires fewer office visits

When a patient starts Invisalign treatment, their provider will provide several weeks’ worth of aligners. The patient does not need to go in regularly for adjustments. Instead, the patient will simply progress from aligner to aligner according to the treatment schedule. They will only need to visit their Invisalign provider every few months to get the next batch of aligners. During these visits, the provider will check on their progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

Frequently asked questions about Invisalign

Let us take a look at some of the questions you might have about straightening teeth with Invisalign aligners:

1. Do I need to wear a retainer after straightening teeth with Invisalign?

Yes. Most people who complete treatment have to wear retainers to keep their teeth in their new positions. How long each patient has to wear retainers varies based on the severity of their teeth alignment issues.

Retainers are oral appliances that prevent teeth from returning to their original alignments after teeth straightening treatments. Think of retainers as a way to protect your investment.

2. Who is the ideal candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is typically recommended for adults and teenagers who have teeth alignment issues that are caused by the positioning of their teeth. Clear aligners are not an effective way to treat poor teeth alignment caused by a person’s jaw position. Other orthodontic appliances like braces are usually recommended for such issues.

Here are some of the things you should consider before starting treatment with Invisalign:

  • Your jaw should be fully grown before starting Invisalign treatment: Children are typically not good candidates for Invisalign since their jaws are still developing
  • You need to be fully committed for the entire length of the treatment: Invisalign aligners need to be worn for at least 22 hours daily for the treatment to be effective. Missing days or not wearing the aligners for the minimum duration significantly diminishes the effectiveness of the treatment
  • You want discreet teeth straightening: Invisalign treatment involves wearing transparent plastic trays that are virtually invisible. It allows patients to show off their smiles as their teeth move closer to the targeted alignment

Contact us for an Invisalign consultation

Invisalign can help you get a straighter smile. Its comfort and flexibility may better fit your lifestyle than traditional braces. Schedule a consultation with the team to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign.

Request an appointment here: or call J.D. Murray DDS & Associates at (404) 410-2526 for an appointment in our East Point office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in East Point, GA.

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