3 Way to Eliminate Coffee Stains on Teeth

Many coffee lovers rely on coffee to kickstart their day. Over time, you might have realized the price your teeth have paid to enjoy your cup of joe. The stains on your teeth make them lose their natural whiteness. However, there are several ways that you can remove the coffee stains on your teeth.

How to eliminate coffee stains on teeth

Apart from brushing your teeth regularly, which might not be working as you wanted, there are other ways to remove coffee stains from your teeth.

1. Professional care

To reclaim the whiteness of your teeth and that hidden smile, visit your dentist for a professional cleaning. On some occasions, this might involve some polishing to remove the stains on the top layer of your teeth.

The other option would be bleaching, which is a professional tooth whitening treatment. This process will lighten the shade of your teeth. To keep your teeth from staining after the process, keep using a whitening toothpaste. Additionally, brush your teeth at least twice in a day.

2. Teeth-whitening kit

You can talk to your dentists to get a whitening kit that you can use from the comfort of your own home. Most of these methods use a hydrogen peroxide solution. This means that you have to be careful and follow the instructions to the best of your ability. There are two types of kits that you can purchase: Liquid packs or teeth-whitening strips.

Liquid packs: There is one for the upper set of teeth and another for the lower set. All you need to do is apply the solution on the guards provided. The kit includes syringes for this purpose. Then place the guard over your teeth and leave it there as directed. After this, all you need to do is rinse your teeth and brush them as usual.

Teeth-whitening strips: If you decide to use the strips, the first step will be to apply the solution to your teeth. Instead of using the guard like with the gel packs,  you will use the strips. Leave the teeth-whitening strips on as directed in the instructions. Then, proceed to rinse and brush your teeth.

It is very important for you to use teeth-whitening kits when you have some time to spare. Failure to follow these instructions could lead to damage to your enamel. Due to the hydrogen peroxide present in these kits, prolonged use could lead to damage of the teeth and gums.  

3. A mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

As an oxidizer, hydrogen peroxide stimulates the enamel to give up the coffee particles that cause stains on the teeth. Baking soda, on the other hand, increases this reaction. To make the mixture, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in a clean empty container. Then add baking soda and stir until you have a paste.

Apply the paste on your teeth, leave it there for 15-20 minutes then brush with your regular paste. The results might not show up immediately but after 2-3 weeks you will see a difference.


To remove the coffee stains on your teeth today, visit your dentist for teeth-whitening treatment, buy a teeth-whitening kit or make your own mix at home.

Request an appointment here: http://drjosephmurray.com or call J.D. Murray DDS & Associates at (404) 410-2526 for an appointment in our East Point office.

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